Herren sagde til Abram: "Forlad dit land og din slægt og din fars hus, og drag til det land, jeg vil vise dig." (1. Mos. 12,1)

onsdag den 27. juli 2011

Goodbye and see you again!

I think after nearly two months in Montenegro that it is time for me to write a blog in English, so here it comes! (I am sorry for the grammar mistakes, but I hope you understand it anyway)
I have said a sad goodbye to my friends in Niksiĉ and I came back to Denmark for some days ago. The question as many maybe want to know is what I have learnt and what I have got out of being there?  

I came to Montenegro – to Niksiĉ – to refresh the people in the church. I wanted to inspire and hang out with them. Otherwise I did not have many expectations to my stay there, but wow I am surprised over the entire gift I have got during my time in Montenegro! I am so grateful because people has open their homes and their lives for my. Already the first day I came, Niksiĉ felt like my new home, it was a surprise for me in a good way, and I was not in doubt about that it was there I should be. People were so friendly and open minded and it was easy to become a part of the fellowship there. 

I have love spending time together with so many different people; Teenagers from the church, students, other friends, strangers and a lot of different teams. Everybody have giving me a lot of good experiences, and I am very grateful because of that. There has been so many time with a lot of laughter and fun but also times with deep conversations – all of it I remember with joy and it has been very inspiring for me.

Very short I want to tell about some of my highlights during my stay: The everyday life activities as teen meeting, conversation club and girls bible study. The Sundays with two services and in between those a delicious lunch always eaten together with many friends, Danish dinner, decoration of the new teen room, a lot of trips in the nature where we barbecued, two days at the gipsy camp, to watch all 8 movies of Harry Potter, a visit in the village Brĉno, some different café events, English camp and last of all to be together with so many different teams. All of these things have been a blessing for me and they are things I will remember in the future. Every day in Montenegro was busy and every day something new happened, and I enjoyed it much. I see all of it as a gift from the people I spend time with. During my time in Montenegro I learnt how many different situations you can use to talk about Jesus, and that has been an eye – opener for me. The feeling I have in me after I came back to Denmark is gratitude and I feel that I have been lucky to have the possibility to travel to Montenegro.   

I must admit that now I have two homes. Of cause my home in Denmark but also my new home in Montenegro.  Even though I wrote in the beginning that I had said a goodbye, I know that one day I will come back to my friends, my brothers and sisters and my new family.

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